Preparing a Return to Work: Covid-19 Considerations

As states begin to reopen, so too will businesses prepare for a returning workforce. With new health and safety guidelines, many offices will have to change how they operate, how they organized, and how they are used. In order to make sure our friends and clients are able to open and operate their businesses safely we want to share some important areas to address. These questions should help businesses gauge their readiness and prepare a master plan.

1) Are your staff ready to return? If they don’t have access to transportation, childcare services, or are vulnerable/live with someone vulnerable then they may not be. Offices will have to establish a system to bring workers back that are in the position to return.

2) Are the cleaning staff/building managers/owners able to maintain a clean office? New guidelines recommend routine deep cleanings and periodic sanitation of many areas. Many businesses rely on a Green Cleaning Program or an equivalent, but certain aspects should be ignored for now since they limit the use of disinfectants that are key to sanitizing.

3) Can your office allow employees to work while safely distancing? Offices have been trending towards denser layouts that will have to be modified. Coincidentally, newer office have focused on creating large gathering areas that can be reorganized for overflow.

4) Does your current infrastructure provide enough access and security to your remote workers? Investing in new AV hardware and more secure communication and project management software can keep employees on and off site on the same page.

5) How can your current office be reorganized and used to meet new health and safety guidelines? Desk skipping and one-way corridors are go-to arrangements for most offices, but some may need more intervention to better balance safety and efficiency.

6) Have you created new protocols to enforce social distancing including staggered schedule, delivery routines, and health checks? Making clear rules and communicating them to workers will build trust and reduce anxiety.

7) Do you have a plan to communicate your message and reinforcing safe behaviors? Signs throughout the office, centralized communication, and leadership roles will let workers how they are expected to act preventing unsafe behaviors.

8) Can you provide your employees the tools to be safe and healthy themselves? Making PPE and sanitation readily available to employees including cleaning stations and welcome kits will give workers the ability to maintain healthy habits and workstations.

We understand that today’s reality is asking for a lot from everyone, from individuals to communities and companies to countries, and we will continue to provide updates and information as we develop our own response and solutions. Going forward, we are ready partners for any business that needs help identifying specifics and laying out changes for their offices.

Below are links to our previous and on-going updates and recommendations, feel free contact us if you require our assistance.


Now In Print: Sumu Residence


6 Feet + the New Office