Covid-19 Design Solutions + Recommendations

Dear Friends,

As COVID-19 has brought about drastic changes to our daily lives, our goal as an Architecture firm is to provide as much health and safety information as possible and to work further on developing solutions to share, given the circumstance.

In the coming months businesses will begin to reopen to an extent that is safe for employees and in order to assist our friends and clients we are providing a list of what we consider to be useful to preparing for this reality. We will continue to update as we learn more from CDC, OSHA, and WHO recommendations on how to combat the virus and provide a level of safety to employees and customers that occupy spaces that we have created.

Below is a list of basic information that we find useful to share. Bare in mind these are recommendations of our own and cannot guarantee prevention or complete safety from transmission as the largest burden is to each and every one of us as an individual. The information we are providing is for a basic level of safety to be combined with safe practices and personal responsibility.

1 – Establish a clear 6’-0” (2 meter) rule throughout the workplace.

2 – Review and reassess current office layouts to allow on-site staff to distance properly.

3 – Provide adequate and well stocked areas for employees to sanitize through the day.

4 – Provide barriers, coverings, and dividers in high-traffic and high-contact areas.

5 – Create clear signage throughout the office reflecting safe distancing and proper use of equipment (copiers, coffee makers, etc).

6 – Provide touchless and contactless technology and hardware to access various rooms.

7 – Review existing building filtration to assess where outdoor air can possibly be used

8 – Provide safe zones for checkups and separating employees who appear symptomatic.

9 – Create a new housekeeping routine including periodic deep cleaning.

We hope this list is a useful starting point for creating safer spaces, but as a basic set of rules each office, shared residence, and hospitality environment will need a more thorough review prior to reopening.

Although we are not health officials, and not affiliated with state or local health agencies, we can provide useful insights and comply with health safety guidelines as they are provided in order to create a healthy workplace environment.

We will continue to add more information and recommendations as it becomes available.

For more detailed information as it relates to your needs, or if you have any comments or questions in general, please feel free to contact us as at

Stay safe,

Ajay Chopra


6 Feet + the New Office


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